Send a Letter for #JeffsLaw
NOTE: This is a copy and paste letter. Before copying and sending, please indicate whether you are a patient or a supporter (for your privacy, you do not have to include that in your public post).
After sending, please make a profile and post for it on the Let Patients Grow NJ Political Action Forum page, with the legislators name as the title and make any replies from them as comments on your post.
It's free, easy and you can use any name for your profile!
'Dear Honorable Legislator,
I am a NJ registered medical marijuana patient and I am your constituent. I do not want to meet with you or discuss anything with you or your staff. I am requesting that you talk with any senator from your side of the aisle about their sponsorship of S342. They should be prepared to discuss that bill's merits better than I possibly could. Then please email me back telling me where you think your colleague is wrong, and how that overrides the bill's benefits that you may agree have merit, or co-sponsor S342 as well.
I look forward to your reply, as this affects more than just me. It affects my family and everybody who cares about me.
Thank you.